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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

Soul and Consciousness

Essays on the Main/Soul and Consciousness

Soul and Consciousness

Man is not a body. Man is a soul, a consciousness, which can be in a non-embodied or embodied state.

The same applies to all other creatures, including animals and plants.

As planned by the Creator, the evolutionary development of souls should take place in all the diversity of embodied beings: from simple forms — to more and more complex ones. The purpose of this Process is, as far as possible, for each soul to develop itself to Perfection — and to merge into the Universal Primordial Consciousness, enriching It with itself.

The process of such development takes place in a series of many incarnations.

For this Process to be completed successfully, without unnecessary suffering, each person must understand what we are talking about now and move through life in accordance with this Knowledge.

Moreover, each person is endowed with the freedom to choose his or her own path: to the Creator (God, the Primordial Consciousness) — or to the opposite direction, having intentions opposing the Will of God and committing criminal (from the point of view of God) actions.

Creatures who have chosen a criminal path for themselves, having been disincarnated, are forced to live among evil inhabitants of hell.

If they are then incarnated again — it is in difficult conditions of life on the Earth; and they suffer a lot.

Moreover, it makes sense to know that all prayer rituals “for the dead” do not change anything in the destinies of disembodied people.

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The essence of every creature (man, animal, and plant) is not at all his or her material body, but a clot “lump” of living energy embodied in every living body.

With the death of the body, this clot “lump” is freed from its material shell — and the non-incarnate phase of its life begins. This is then followed by a new incarnation, the quality of which is determined by the quality of the previous one.

Such “lumps” are called souls. We also talk about spirits. These two words are almost synonymous. And “ghosts” are spirits that have condensed themselves to such an extent that embodied people can see them with ordinary vision.

Souls can be very different. The main criteria for their assessment are a) size and b) what place on the subtlety — coarseness scale each soul takes. Souls of a refined quality acquire paradise as their “posthumous” abode. Whereas, coarse ones acquire hell.

One can change one’s status both on this scale and in size, using the techniques outlined in our books and films.

The behavior of small and vicious embodied souls is driven mainly by their reflexes and genetically inherent instincts (innate patterns of some forms of behavior).

A high level of intelligence indicates the possible development of a given soul.

The behavior of souls who have successfully passed a significant part of their evolutionary path is also determined by the ability to be conscious of themselves in different situations. The term consciousness has arisen from the term self-conscious soul, in contrast to less mature souls.

But what exactly does it mean to be conscious of myself? This is the ability to look at my own thoughts, emotions, and actions — from the outside and evaluate their quality, including comparing them with the Teachings of God. If you look closely, you can see that a minority of people around us have this ability.

“Who am I? Where am I?” — these questions, often asked to ourselves, help us to become conscious.

Conscience is a sign of the occurrence of being conscious. A conscientious person notices his or her own ethical mistakes, repents, and corrects his or her behavior. And the shameless one thinks that everything is in order with one’s ethics, let them (i.e., other people) repent!

… The ability to be conscious of oneself can also be observed in some specific representatives of some of the most advanced animal species as, for example, dogs.

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In esotericism, the words soul and consciousness usually do not differ: people speak either about soul, or about consciousness. But the difference between these terms, on closer examination, is still there.

In the Indian spiritual tradition, jiva is a soul, buddhi is consciousness. A successfully developing soul gradually turns into a consciousness.

A methodology has been constructed for the development of souls to the state of buddhi and beyond. The latter is called Buddhi Yoga. It is presented in detail in our materials.

With the help of the techniques of Buddhi Yoga, one can relatively easily refine oneself-consciousness to the level of the Holy Spirits, and grow in the quantitative aspect of development — to planetary sizes, or even larger. When this is done, the Primordial Consciousness invites one to enter Its Abode and merge into It forever.

… But everyone should start their path not with Buddhi Yoga, but with a thorough purification of oneself from negative spiritual qualities, which we talk about in each of our books (www.swami-center.org).

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Physiologists regard the brain as the only intelligence apparatus. But this is a false dead-end version of thinking.

After all, non-incarnate beings think and transmit their opinions and promptings to incarnate people. They also experience vivid emotions and have a memory that is even better than that of embodied beings! We can learn to communicate with them, hugging, talking, and rejoicing with them — just as easily as we can with incarnate beings: human and animal friends.

And there is no need to talk about how blissful and significant are such communions with Holy Spirits — Representatives of the Creator! In particular, we can learn to merge with Them and constantly feel Them as our personal Divine Teachers!

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And what is telepathy? Scientists trying to understand the mechanism of this phenomenon look for a secret in the brain, in its radiation. But it would be better if those scientists developed themselves as consciousnesses, and then everything would become clear to them from their own experience! Indeed, during telepathic contacts, consciousnesses are temporarily connected — and the transmitted information becomes common for two or more people or animals.

Telekinesis, teleportation, levitation, diagnostics and healings at a distance — all this also really exists and can be carried out by developed human consciousnesses.

Divine Miracle Workers are Those Who have developed Themselves in this or in previous incarnations by the methods of Buddhi Yoga.

… And the brain is just an organ designed to ensure adequate behavior in the world of matter.

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Most of the people incarnated at the present time on our planet do not think about the meaning of their lives. They “simply live”: they have fun, seek out money and food, breed… Not receiving satisfaction in this, many surrender themselves into slavery to drugs, and terminate their embodied states through suicide…

But there is a meaning of life on the Earth! God explains it to us! And it makes sense to follow His Will!

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